Sunday 26 September 2021


 Medium is an amazing content syndication platform.

You publish the original post on your site (or as a guest post) and then after a certain amount of time you syndicate (republish) that article on to a powerful platform - like Medium.

Your work gets exposed to a new and potentially much larger audience. The internal links on the original article remain intact over at Medium—so if a reader clicks on one of them—they end up back on your site.

Here are the steps to follow when syndicating a post on Medium

Publish your original post – either on your own site or as a guest post on another high authority blog.

Go right to Webmaster Tools and use the “fetch as Google” tool and submit that URL. It will index almost immediately and that way you get credit for that content first and you will not get hit with duplicate content issues.

Promote the post to your networks such as Twitter and Facebook to get the ball rolling. Then to your email list.

Wait 3 or 4 months before syndicating the post to other sites.

Now republish your post on Medium.

Start the content promotion cycle all over again (Twitter, Facebook, email list). The good thing about using Medium and LinkedIn as publishing platforms is that if you can get a little bit of traction and some upvotes than you expose yourself to even bigger audiences.

Log into your account.

In the far upper right corner click on your picture (in the circle). A drop-down menu will appear. Click on ‘Import Story’ – which is 2nd down from the top.

You’re then taken to a new field. All you have to do is enter the URL of your original post and click on the ‘Import’ button. Medium will then import your article and give you a chance to edit it within their platform.

Medium will automatically place a canonical link (link rel=”canonical”) in the head of the document pointing back to your original article. How easy is that?

Why do content syndication?

According to Chad Pollitt of inPowered, content syndication…

Is the number one most efficient organic lead gen channel month after month.

Search converts around 1% or less on average, but referral traffic through syndication converts at 15% on a good month.

Although you’ll get more traffic from organic search; you’ll get a higher share of conversions through referral/syndication.

If faced with the choice of having to give up one of those two channels he’d drop organic search in favor of referral traffic.

He’s NEVER worried about any negative search ramification from syndication.

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